Monday, July 29, 2019
9:10 Lorena Anghel, TIMA Grenoble, “Managing Aging Induced Reliability at Run-time”
9:40 Hussam Amrouch, Victor van Santen, Martin Rapp, Jörg Henkel, KIT, “Reliability Challenges in Negative Capacitance Transistors”
10:10 Coffee break
10:30 Nikil Dutt, UC Irvine, "Self-awareness enhances cross-layer resilience"
11:00 Artur Jutman, Testonica Tallinn, “A Systematic Bottom Up Approach to Self-Health Awareness”
11:30 Thawra Kadeed, Rolf Ernst, University of Braunschweig “Self-aware safety-critical systems-on-chip through an online system controller approach”
13:30 Christoph Schorn, Bosch Research, “Resilience Analysis and Optimization Techniques for Efficient and Fault-tolerant Neural Networks on Hardware”
14:00 Adnan Mustapha, Ulrich Gücker, Knorr-Bremse, “Level 3+ system for commercial vehicles, concept and challenges in functional safety”
14:30 Daniel Tille, Infineon Technologies München, “Functional Safety from DFT Point of View -- An Introduction, Challenges and Solutions”
~16:30 meeting for departure to social event (brewery tour in Böblingen; transfer from the conference location by the S-Bahn train, 14 minutes travel time + ~ 15 minutes walk to the brewery in Böblingen. The tour will start at 18:00, followed by a dinner).
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
9:00 Frank Gürkaynak, ETH Zurich, “Hype vs reality, what can RISC-V do for research in safety, reliability and security”
9:30 Hidetoshi Onodera, Kyoto University, “Reconfigurable Architectures for Dependability and Energy Efficiency”
10:00 Francesco Regazzoni, ALARI Lugano, “Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen, “Formal Verification of Automotive Simulink Controller Models: Empirical Technical Challenges, Evaluation and Recommendations”
11:30 Sven Reimer, OneSpin, Munich, “Certified IC Integrity: Thriving Towards Correct, Safe, Secure, and Trusted Circuits”
12:00 Fadi Kurdahi, Minjun Seo, Center for Embedded & Cyber-physical Systems, UC Irvine, US, “Hardware-supported monitoring and runtime verification for safety-critical computing platforms”
14:00 Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Duke University, “Predictive Analytics for Anomaly Detection and Failure Prediction in Complex Core Routers”
14:30 Stefan Wagner, University of Stuttgart, “Testing and Analysis for Reliable and Safe Software/Hardware Systems”
15:00 Michael Hübner, BTU Cottbus, “Run-time adaptivity for self-repairing and fault tolerant embedded systems”
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Ilia Polian
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.Head of Institute of Computer Architecture and Computer Engineering and Chair of Hardware Oriented Computer Science